5 Ways to Wellbeing: Give

This morning I have been at local charity Padley who support adults in Derby who are at risk of homelessness and/or poverty. I have been busy making toiletry parcels for their beneficiaries who don’t have access to basic self cleansing products like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and deodorant. I try to give a couple of hours of my time every Thursday, and it definitely has a positive impact on my wellbeing as well as helping out a fantastic and important cause.

We are now into the 4th “Way to Wellbeing” and this topic is GIVE. And it doesn’t mean you’re restricted to giving something physical like money – you absolutely don’t want to be putting yourself out and diminishing your own much-needed resources if you are dependent on them for your own survival. That’s going to do the opposite of improving your wellbeing. But giving has been shown to not only improve the quality of life of others, but also make you feel good in yourself! Now one of the obvious is giving money to a charity or cause, but as already mentioned you don’t have to do this.

What about having a much needed clear out, and giving any clothes, toys, devices or anything in good useable quality or condition to charity?

Another option that we all have, although it doesn’t make it any less precious, is time. You can give your time by volunteering “formally” for a charity or organisation, or “informally” by sharing your time as a one off, for example teaching a class you have a skill in for free, volunteering to help on school trips or local youth groups… however you can share your skills with others for no actual cost.

So far, for the 5 ways to wellbeing I’ve touched on social connection, getting physically active, continuous learning and giving. Just changing one small thing from each of these areas – or even only one or two-  will help you improve your overall mental and physical wellbeing. Get in touch to find out how!

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