A Beginner’s Adventure in Yoga



It’s one thing having the knowledge and skills to help others on their wellbeing journey, but what about my own? I think for transparency it’s only fair I share my own journey and experiences as I go along. So this is about how I have started Yoga. Now yoga is something I’ve always been aware of but didn’t really understand. I knew it involved breathing and stretching with the body in different positions – and in fact attended a single class many moons ago – but that was the extent of my knowledge.

In attempt to improve our overall physical wellbeing, my partner and I have been looking at ways we can up our movement without the expense of joining a gym. We wanted to do something in addition to taking regular walks around the local area, so decided to try yoga. I’ve been reading a lot recently about the benefits of yoga for neurodiverse adults and children, specifically for regulation and being more aware of our bodies and thoughts. A quick search on YouTube and e came across the “Yoga with Adrienne” channel – and found a 20 minute beginner’s video.

Perfect, this will be great to start with!  I could imagine myself feeling all calm and relaxed whilst partaking in (what I thought would be) gentle stretching with minimal effort. This would be a breeze!


Reader, I was wrong.


Not even halfway into the first session, I stopped. He intensity of being really AWARE of my body and my emotions was so much that I experienced a mixture of overload and frustration. Why was something for beginners so difficult?! I’m almost ashamed to say that I “rage quit” and left my partner to it whilst I went into another room to gather my thoughts. But then I noticed, I WAS feeling a lot more relaxed, and this was after only about 10 minutes. Yes, it was frustrating having the limitations of my body thrust in front of me, but I’m also grateful that I had this awareness. The dopamine release and relaxation I physically felt was lovely, and I was determined I wanted to seek this same experience again.


I tried again the next day – and this time I managed the whole video!  There were certain parts I struggled with, but these are my benchmarks and I’m determined to keep going until I can perform them better. It’s been a week now and I’ve performed this routine almost every day, and although I’m still a long way off managing some of the parts consistently I’m noticing a difference. And goodness, the feeling afterwards of relaxation and calm is incredible; and that’s after just 20 minutes. It’s still early days for me and my yoga journey but it’s one I want to keep enjoying. Once I got past the initial discomfort and started to learn to be with it, I found I can spend more time focusing on my breathing and being present in the moment. The instructor, Adreienne, talks about “having an experience” and that’s just what I’m doing. I’m excited about where this journey is going to take me and what I’m going to learn and improve about myself and my body along the way.

1 thought on “A Beginner’s Adventure in Yoga”

  1. Philippa Chambers

    I’ve been a bit nervous about joining a yoga class, but it could make all the difference if I can try it in the privacy of home. I might give it a try. Thanks for sharing it x

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