The 5 Ways to Wellbeing – Get Physically Active!


The 5 Ways to Wellbeing: Be Physically Active!




So far, I’ve introduced you to the 5 Ways to Wellbeing and last week looked in more detail at the benefits of being connected to other people. Now the next area we’re going to focus on is being physically active. As a wellbeing specialist, I have assisted numerous individuals in incorporating physical activity into their lives and maintaining it. It’s not about being a personal trainer or not, but rather about helping each person establish their own goals, find motivation, and develop a routine that works for them to initiate and sustain their journey towards an active lifestyle.

The impact of physical activity on wellbeing is immeasurable. Not only does movement, elevated heart rate, and engaged muscles benefit the body by promoting fitness and health while warding off diseases, but it also has a positive impact on our mood. Physical activity releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, which contributes to the sense of feeling good. Additionally, working towards and achieving fitness goals can provide a significant boost to our overall wellbeing. It’s essential to remember that everyone’s goals will be different, reflecting our unique aspirations and abilities. One person’s goal might be to be able to run 10k without stopping, whereas another person’s might be to use their stairs at home 3 extra times a day. Regardless of your current activity level, there are ways to incorporate more movement into your life.

Recently, one of my neighbours initiated a walking group for residents here. It’s a great way for individuals who are new to regular movement to participate and increase their social connections. Similarly, for those who are more experienced or looking to reestablish their exercise routine, joining a walking group provides a commitment and a starting point to gradually build up their activity level until it becomes a habit. By developing habits and finding enjoyment in movement for its own sake, we can reap numerous benefits from physical activity.

When it comes to choosing activities, it’s important to find something that you genuinely enjoy. It could be dancing, walking, jogging, yoga, or even playing active games with your children. Engaging in any activity that gets your heart rate up will be effective. Remember, incorporating more movement into your life doesn’t necessarily mean committing to a gym routine several times a week. It can be as simple as walking more around your home or office, opting for walking instead of driving for shorter journeys, or making any small change that encourage more movement throughout your day.

You could start by creating a “Ways to Wellbeing” plan based on the information you’ve gathered so far. Include goals or challenges related to social connections, as well as a goal or challenge to be more physically active this week. Remember, if we want to see changes in our lives, we must be willing to make changes ourselves. Taking small steps towards being physically active and incorporating movement into our daily lives can make a significant difference in our overall wellbeing. Nothing changes if nothing changes 😉



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