Client Inspiration: Setting Personal Contact Boundaries

I had the pleasure of working with a YouTuber this weekend (who wishes to remain anonymous) who wanted some guidance regarding personal boundaries when it came to interactions from their fans.

Together we talked about their hopes and expectations and where they were concerned they might have blurred lines, and created a privacy policy that reflected their desire to interact with fans but strictly on which platforms (in this case YouTube and Discord) and what conduct was acceptable (only using those spaces to converse, no friend requests and no private messaging).

This was very helpful as not only does it set a clear boundary for fans and their expectations, but also provides personal guidelines for the client and a reminder to stick to their policy to avoid any awkward or uncomfortable situations. It’s something we can all do when it comes to boundaries – how often do you feel you’ve taken something on you struggle with for fear of letting others down or wanting to people please?

If this sounds familiar, think about something now you can have as your own “privacy policy”, for example not addressing work messages after a certain time or using certain platforms for business only.

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